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We Are a Christian Church

We believe that the Bible, comprising the 66 books of the Old and the New Testaments, is wholly inspired by God, inerrant as originally given by  the Holy Spirit through human authors. We believe that the Bible is the only way we know the truth about God, about our sin, and about the way of deliverance from sin and death through Jesus Christ.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the second person of the Trinity, and that He became man and was born of the Virgin Mary. He lived, died, rose from the dead, and ascended to Heaven (where He is alive and at work reigning as King to save His people from their sins). He is the way, the truth, and the life. He is our only hope in life and death.

We believe and hold to the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed as the two earliest Confessions of the historical Christian faith.

We believe in one God who is three persons (The Trinity: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit).

We Are a Protestant Church

We believe in the five Solas of the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century:
Sola Scriptura: The Bible alone is our final authority for our faith and our practice.
Sola Gratia: Everything necessary for human liberation from sin and death, and all its misery is by God’s grace alone – from God’s electing work in eternity all the way through His saving and keeping (sanctifying?) work in history.
Sola Fide:  A sinful man, woman, boy, or girl is declared righteous before God (The formal term is “justified”) through faith alone – not by faith plus anything else.
Solus Christus:  It is by the person and work of the God-Man, Jesus Christ alone, that we are made right with God, given everlasting life, and prepared for eternity in the New Heavens and the New Earth.
Soli Deo Gloria:  Whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, we do it all to the glory of God alone {see 1 Corinthians 10:31}.  Our chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.

We Are a Presbyterian Church

As a Presbyterian Church, we believe that local churches are governed by Elders (presbyters) who meet the biblical qualifications for the office and are called out by each local congregation. Among those called out to be elders, some are set apart as pastors, teachers, or evangelists.
We believe that no Christian and no church is independent. Those who profess faith in Christ, together with their children, are members of local churches who have oversight provided by a Session (elders who serve as a governing body). Each local church is part of a Presbytery (a regional group of churches that are part of the same Presbyterian body), and each Presbytery is part of the national General Assembly (the broadest governing body of the entire Presbyterian church which meets once a year).
We believe the biblical doctrines taught in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms as adopted by the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. You can read these at: www.opc/confessions.html.
We believe there are only two sacraments: Baptism (which is of whole households in which at least one parent is a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ), and The Lord’s Supper (during which those who participate in faith genuinely feast spiritually on the Lord Jesus Christ through the presence of the Holy Spirit).

We Are an Orthodox Presbyterian Church

The meaning of the word orthodox is “straight teaching.”  You can be sure that an Orthodox Presbyterian Church faithfully proclaims and teaches God’s word, the Bible.  Formed in 1936, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church is a denomination that has led the way in defending and proclaiming historic Christianity.  

You can learn more about the history of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church at its official website: 

As a local congregation of The Orthodox Presbyterian Church, we participate joyfully in its works of Christian Education, Home and Foreign Missions.

© 2024 by Westchester OPC. All rights reserved. Crafted with care by Laura Oliveira.

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